The fog moves on...

The fog moves on...
Carl Sandburg
To understand any living thing, you must, so to say, creep within and feel the beating of its heart.
~ William (W.) MacNeile Dixon
from The Human Situation: The Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow, 1935-1937 (1937).

Friday, July 22, 2011


Appointments here
Appointments there
And not a breath to think...
It must Friday...


Anonymous said...

Have a nice, quite weekend!

Ambiguitylotus said...

Wow! You must be having a busy Friday! Hope you find a moment to breathe and relax! Have a good weekend, Gemma!

Also, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your footprints on my small stones blog. Made my day! :) Blessings!