The fog moves on...

The fog moves on...
Carl Sandburg
To understand any living thing, you must, so to say, creep within and feel the beating of its heart.
~ William (W.) MacNeile Dixon
from The Human Situation: The Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow, 1935-1937 (1937).

Monday, May 2, 2011

I was just a child...

I was just a child when you melted
From my life
I was too young to really understand
But whenever I walk in Nature
I walk with you
My father


Anonymous said...

This is so very moving. I have nominated you for a "Versatile Blogger Award. Drop in at my blog to find out all about it.

James Brush said...

Oh, wow... this one really speaks to that healing power of nature

Arti said...

Touching! The words have am unknown healing power... Beautiful!

DeniseinVA said...

How beautiful, such heart felt words.

Freya Pickard said...

This is a beautiful site Gemma. I found it via Libby's blog. I love your poem on Monday - so poignant.

Ambiguitylotus said...

Very heartfelt with a touch of bittersweet sadness at the same time. Lovely.

Thank you for sharing this, and thank you for visiting my small stones blog! :)

Kathe W. said...

oh my- you must miss your father.