The fog moves on...

The fog moves on...
Carl Sandburg
To understand any living thing, you must, so to say, creep within and feel the beating of its heart.
~ William (W.) MacNeile Dixon
from The Human Situation: The Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow, 1935-1937 (1937).

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Crawling back from pain is
A long rocky road...
Or seems to be...
But your wings
Carry me
When I need them...

Monday, May 2, 2011

I was just a child...

I was just a child when you melted
From my life
I was too young to really understand
But whenever I walk in Nature
I walk with you
My father

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Deep emerald green...

Deep emerald green
Nature's gentle massage for tired feet
Especially my feet
I just wish
It didn't need